
US Imperialism: Still Ruling the World

Recent events have proven that US imperialism is alive and well, and still pushing for the interests of the American bourgeoisie. I will highlight three separate ongoing cases wherein the US is pushing for its own interests at the expense of the countries in question. If you’re American, these are your tax dollars being used to undermine foreign governments, destroy foreign economies, and destablize foreign societies. For all the talk about the US being the shining beacon on a hill, it is more like a turret of destruction wreaking its will on the world by force and intimidation, in the interest of the American and global capitalist class.


The US has long been opposed to the Bolivarian Revolution, a democratic and peaceful popular movement for more equality and anti-imperialism, as it is a powerful movement that threatens the US’s hegemony in the Americas. The nationalization of South American resources doesn’t sit well with the American oil companies, or the US government, which wishes to keep control of as much black gold as it can get its hands on.

Recently, the US has been supporting violent bourgeois protests in Venezuela in an attempt to undermine the government that is so heartily supported by a huge majority of the Venezuelan population, and overwhelmingly by the Venezuelan working class. The working class of Venezuela is fighting back however, and defending their burgeoning socialism against the American imperialist agenda.


The Syrian conflict has been going on for years now, with no end in sight. The US and its Western imperialist partners have conspired to destroy the government of Syria, against the wishes of the majority of the Syrian people. This conflict, in which the US and its allies have funded Islamic fundamentalists in a bid to destroy the secular state of Syria has resulted in a massive death toll, hundreds of thousands of names added to the long and gruesome list of those murdered by the hand of American capitalist imperialism. Once again, the people are fighting back, and opposing this intrusion, and the government of Syria has thus far been able to resist the US funded and armed terrorists that seek to destroy their country.


The US government has supported a violent coup that ousted the democratically elected president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich. This coup, supported and funded by the the US and the EU, has resulted in the destruction of what little democracy the Ukrainian people had, and is pulling the country under the vicious control of Far-Right Fascist organizations like Svoboda. This coup is a Banderite movement of fascists and far right nationalists that wants to subject the country to their far right ideals of racism, uber-nationalism and reactionary economics. The US is especially complicit in this debacle, with imperialist-in-chief Barack Obama overtly supporting the fascist coup, and US leaders such as John McCain literally standing side by side with fascists.


The only solution to the problem of American imperialism is the downfall of the US imperialistic paradigm. The peoples of Ukraine, Venezuela and Syria will never have the helm of their own destiny as long as the United States is allowed to continue pushing its evil interests at the expense of the people of the world. The only way for things to change, is with a revolution in the United States. The US government doesn’t represent the will of the American people, it is the mouthpiece of the capitalist class. The US needs a new government, formed on the basis of socialism and internationalist solidarity that will support, rather than destroy the socialist and democratic hopes of the working men and women of the world. Only socialism can stand against the threats of fascism, imperialism, and capitalism. Get involved, and fight for socialism.